Monday, December 26, 2011

Transfer Art and Projects

Since I'm still recuperating from yesterday, I thought I'd share a transfer project I finished just before I went into Christmas chill mode, and some projects I worked on today.  These are all things that have been lying around my garage all summer.  Time to get at them.  This transfer art was created using my Splendid Transfer method.  The frame was a combination of my "weathered finish" , gesso, and a light grey wash.

I started with this.

Originally, I was going to make a chalkboard, but I was bored by that idea.  So, I did multiple washes of grey and white gesso over the chalkboard to create a background before I did the transfer.

I used various shades of white, and grey paint on the frame.  I then did my weathered finish, washed several layers of gesso over it, and finished with a wash of light grey.

The wash over the weathered finish makes for a nice aged effect.

I've been painting frames various pale shades.

I'll be back at it tomorrow.  I also have a few end of the year thematic posts to share.  See ya soon.

Sharing With:
The Shabby Creek Cottage: Transformation Thursday
No Minimalist Here: Open House Party
House of Grace: Twice Owned Tuesday
Faded Charm: White Wednesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia: Tuesdays Treasures
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Between Naps on the Porch: Metamorphosis Monday


  1. absolutely gorgeous but then again -- WHAT isn't gorgeous that you do!!!! : ) recoup well my friend! holiday hugs!!!!

  2. What gorgeous frames!!! Wherever do you find them all? I always consider it a real treasure when I find even one that I can afford.

  3. These look fabulous Rosemary!! Hope you had a terrific day yesterday!

  4. lovely cherubs and the frame is a perfect liking the soft colors the other frames pretty!!

  5. That turned out so pretty! I have no idea how you did that transfer thing, but it sure looks better than what you had to start with. You added the perfect extra touch!

  6. First let me say...dang girl sweet new profile picture! Now onto the project..LOVE those frames, so pretty Rosemary. You are still working away I see, I am pooped and in a creative slump!

  7. Gorgeous. Also I totally have frame envy, I don't know where you find them but wow...

  8. Wow the transfer is so beautiful. I would love a tutorial on this technique. Please?

  9. Beautiful frames, Rosemary. The cherub transfer is absolutely wonderful--so unique. Did you have to adjust your Splendid Blender pen method to transfer onto the chalkboard vs. fabric?

  10. che fantastiche idee complimenti mi sono aggiunta il tuo blog รจ molto interessante se ti va passa mi farebbe piacere

    How much????toooo much...hihihi

  12. HOW awesome IS THIS PROJECT.. I LOVE IT!! So unique and beautiful..Hope you had an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL Christmas with your family.. : )) Wishing you a success filled and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO COME.. Thanks for being a fun bloggy bff this year.. Cheers to SO much more.. xoxoxoxox..

  13. I love how the print came out on the chalkboard...I like your idea of adding washes to the chalkboard to weather it too...Great idea.,.. I have a frame similar to yours...I think I know what I will do with it!! :)

    Have a great New Year!!

  14. Rosemary, Just Gorgeous and I love this piece! I have a weakness for vintage frames and you have some beautiful ones. Thanks for linking to the Open House Party and Happy 2012!

  15. Beautiful, those cherubs are darling.

  16. I love everything you do!!! The pastel frames are all gorgeous.


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