Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dreamy Basket

I just finished this basket.

I painted the basket using my "Old World" finish (tutorial on my sidebar).  The original color was green.  You can see traces of it here.

I gave it multiple layers of grey gesso, followed by a white gesso wash.

I loved the finish, but wanted to add a little something extra.  I picked up a bag of these wood plaques at a garage sale last year.

In my "Adding Dimension" post, I showed you how I used dimensional paint and a stencil to add a raised relief design.  Well, I used the same technique, but used wood filler instead, because I wanted it to dry really fast.  So, if you don't have dimensional paint, improvise.  Anything that will harden and can be sanded will work.

So after adding "Dream" with one of my stencils, and a few decorative details, I gave it my paint treatment.  I then sanded the finish back a bit to enhance the raised details.

It looked really pretty hanging, and I will be making more like it for that purpose.  However, this one I wanted for my basket.  So I clipped the wire in half, and slid it through openings in the basket.  I just twisted the ends to secure it.

It's now residing in by bedroom, on top of my chest of drawers.

It's great for holding mags.

I have a lot of ideas for variations.  I've already made another plaque for hanging.

As you can see, I love to dream.  I'll do another post on this one.

Sharing With:
My Romantic Home: Show and Tell
The Shabby Creek Cottage: Transformation Thursday
These Peas Taste Funny: Link It Up Thursday
Savvy Southern Style: Wow Us Wednesday
Domestically Speaking: Power of Paint
DIY by Design: Winter Blues Wednesday
House of Grace: Twice Owned Tuesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia: Tuesdays Treasures
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
A Stroll Thru Life: Table Top Tuesday
Between Naps on the Porch: Metamorphosis Monday
The DIY Showoff: DIY Project Parade
Homemaker on a Dime: Creative Bloggers
The Girl Creative: Just Something I Whipped Up


  1. The basket turned out beautifully and you're right, perfect for magazines! I love the little cherub plaque:)

  2. so very creative--love the basket and tags, rosemary:)

  3. Love it, Rosemary! The basket is a great color now and I love the plaque you added. I'm glad to see you keep some of your projects for yourself. The magazine is a perfect addition to this basket.

    BTW, I saw you won a giveaway ~ congrats!

  4. Love your basket and the tag is totally fab!!

    Hope your having a great Sunday!!


  5. The technique you used on the basket really gives it a vintage patina. Love it. Love the little dream tags too.


  6. You are so innovative...I love how you do this...inspirational! Thanks Rosemary for sharing your ideas. xo wendy

  7. you've done it again ... left us all oooohing and awwwhhhhing ...

    pssst ... that's the JDL my whole house in in ...
    still pinching myself!

  8. That is just dreamy Rosemary. Very cute!

  9. Looks wonderful as always!

  10. Beautiful - as all your creations are, Rosemary! I never would have known that was a wood plaque! It looks like stone when finished.
    Hugs, Cindy

  11. Looks great! I need to get some of that Gesso to try

  12. Oh it's all so dreamy! What a beautiful basket!

  13. What a great paint treatment - and the 3d relief is fab!

  14. I have a bunch of baskets in built in cabinet shelves in my bathroom that would look great like this! You do nice work!!

  15. Your basket is a dream! You are so creative and make such beautiful things

  16. love the tags! They look gorgeous,

  17. oh you know how I love coming here and seeing all your wonderful ideas....and thanks for your generosity in sharing the how to's.

    you are such a blessings

    barbara jean

  18. Hi Rosemary! Love the basket! Your finish technique is awesome! I reallyu like the way you incorporated it onto the plaque too. Of course, I love the cherub plaque. I have a bunch of those little cherubs I picked up a while back. I've used them in a variety of way, includig on a plaque! Great minds think alike (although your's turned out much better than mine) Keep inspiring and sharing! Hugs, Leena

  19. White gesso wash look so beautiful on the basket.On this basket decorative some details are look so wonderful.

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  20. How cute! I can't get over how you took an ordinary basket and wood plaque and transformed it into something so tres chic! I see you have the Jeanne d Arc magazines too. Love them. I wish I could've bought the Autumn issue. By the time I tried to get it, they were already sold and onto the Christmas issue.

  21. I love the finish on this basket....and the tag!


  22. Perfect! I love the beautiful finish on your basket and the tags are the perfect touch.

  23. The patina really gave that piece a sense of history!


  24. Great color for the basket! I love the grey finish and the sweet little tag with Dream on it. The magazines look great in it, Jeanne de Arc favorite!

  25. I like how it turned out and the tag and sooo cute. Luv it!

  26. Your basket is very pretty, and the techniques you used add lovely aged finishes with great character.

  27. Oh, I love this and think I might have to try doing one of those signs. Very pretty. You're so creative!

  28. I luv I luv I luv, Rosemary! You actually use gesso instead of paint, don't you? It really does give your pieces an old finish. And my next project is definitely going to include wood filler....! :)

    xoxo laurie

  29. What a beautiful basket! Would love for you to stop by and link up to the Tuesday To Do Party (if you haven't already.) Also, the Pretty Packages Party is going on & I would love for you to share any creative gifts, packages or party favor ideas!


  30. This is such a creative idea! I would love for you to stop by my linky party and link up.

    Mrs. Delightful

  31. The basket is so did a wonderful job! Lesa

  32. The plaque really makes the basket go to extraordinary. Very nice.

  33. Love it all! Such a great finish and the tag, I think, may be my favorite!



  34. I love your choice of colors. Fabulous project.

  35. So very pretty! Adore. Thanks for sharing. And, yes, I'm a month behind in my blog reading. lol. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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