The busy show season has begun. I worked hard on getting ready for The Three French Hens show last weekend. The show was a success, but, the weather was fierce. Low temps and high winds. My friend Rhonda and I were so busy trying to stay warm, that, it wasn't until I was on my way home I realized I had not taken a single photo.
I felt like roadkill. It took me a couple days to recoup.
Then, I came down with a nasty little stomach bug, and, spent a lot of time curled up on the couch. I'm feeling better now, and, getting ready for my next show.
I'll be at the Hunt & Gather Market in Crown Point, IN, Friday, May 27th, and, Saturday, May 28. You can click HERE for more details. I'm bringing a bunch.
As always, I'm looking forward to seeing my locals, and, STAYING WELL.