Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Not that I haven't been busy already.  My sale at my home was a raging success.  I'm so incredibly grateful for that.  Now, I'm getting ready for what's about to happen next.

My super busy show season is about to start.  This will be my life for the next 5 weeks.  This coming Sunday (April 28) I will be at the last "indoor" Vintage Faire in Minooka, IL.  That will be followed by,



then, the first "outdoor" Vintage Faire this year.

WHEW.  Trying to stay focused here.  Working diligently.  Hunting and gathering.  Transforming, creating, painting...............At least the weather is nice for working outside this week.

See ya soon.  I'll try to share as many photos as I can.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Since I can't walk without a bit of danger in my garage (aka The Abyss), I've decided to have an impromptu sale Saturday, April 6, 2019.  I know this is short notice, but, clutter makes me a little crazy and suppressed my creativity. So, because I have a flurry of markets coming up.  I need to purge.  I'm pulling things out of my garage, studio, and house.

The sale will start at 8:00 a.m.  The location will be near the intersection of 171st Street and Burnham Ave., Lansing, IL.  Look for the tan tent and a ton of stuff.

My customers and locals have been asking for this.  Come and get it.  This is just a tiny tiny bit.